January 16, 2021 | 10:16 PM
“But it ain't our feelings we have to steer by through life--no, no, we'd make shipwreck mighty often if we did that. There's only the one safe compass and we've got to set our course by that—what it's right to do.”
― L.M. Montgomery
Ever since falling in love with Anne Shirley—and Captain Jim!—back in high school, I have gone back to this quote over the years time and time again. I’ve literally lost track of how many times I wrote this line down somewhere, everywhere—written in small memos, hand lettered on watercolor paper, penned in my journals, typed in my Notes… Like I said, countless.
I think aside from Augustine’s “You have made us for yourself” quote, Montgomery’s is the only other quote that’s ever perennially close and dear to my heart. And I bet it’s pretty obvious why. There are just so, so many times when my feelings are extremely contrary to what’s right to do. A lot of days in teaching felt like having to drag my feet all the way to the classroom—Zoom room now—as soon as I wake up. Many times, I would wake up and would wish I’m right back to sleep—for the whole day.
How often have my feelings been not inclined to things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely! How often have I felt feelings that are selfish and self-seeking, instead of God-glorifying. And how many of those instances have I been tempted to make decisions based on what I feel.
But it should never be the emotions on which we base our decisions. Captain Jim puts it perfectly—we would make shipwreck mighty often if we did that.
And so even though there had been days like the past three weeks when I’m so overwhelmed by what I feel—and there will be more days like these, being the sinful, imperfect creature that I am—it’s a comfort to know that in Christ I have been set free from the reins of my emotions. Because He has set me free, my life’s rudder is now steered, not by what my heart dictates, but by what my Savior says.
What humbling knowledge too, to know that even though I have been saved by grace, my heart may still not be completely inclined with His will. Oh, to always have my mind and heart aligned with His!
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