It doesn’t take an expert to notice that in the span of almost 7 months, the world has drastically changed. From your everyday-normal activities, it’s like the world has suddenly shut down or gone into sleep mode. Such a steep turn in history. Of course, all sectors are inevitably affected—including churches.
I could still remember March 15—several months ago, but it felt like a lifetime ever since. That week was the first implementation of the ECQ, and while SGC was able to gather as a church then, people from the south like us weren’t able to come due to border restrictions. What we all thought would be a month of non-gathering stretched on to two. Three. Seven months.
A lot has changed since the first lockdown. In our church life alone, we haven’t had physical gatherings since March; we left our church building that we’ve had for seven years. And on the individual level, the pandemic has been nothing short of a super magnifier—of the heart, the intentions, the priorities in life. It is, to say the least, such a “scene changer.” And while on the outside it may seem bleak and dreary, God’s grace has proven it otherwise to me. Indeed, I can sing with Mason,
Through all the changing scenes of life,
In trouble and in joy,
The praises of my God shall still
My heart and tongue employ.
(Mason, Through All the Changing Scenes of Life, 1832)
The Lord has proven Himself to be faithful in times past. He has proven Himself to be faithful and gracious at a time when my church had been far apart from one another for such an extended period of time. And so when we started gathering again (we met again finally last Sunday!), the phrase “through all the changing scenes of life” kept playing in my mind.
Life, indeed, has so many changing scenes. Sometimes, I even feel like the transitions are so quick that they blur the images before me. But as sure as the change of time and tide, even surer is my loving “Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change” (James 1:7). It is this same God who upheld us “when we asunder part” who will make us grow in grace together all the more as we begin to meet again.
Through all the changing scenes of the past seven months, God indeed has been faithful. And my heart is so, so full.
To more physical gatherings ahead of us.
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