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2019 Highlights

I recently reverted this whole blog to draft because I realized I couldn't keep the blog and keep up with my work at the same time. But I just decided to put it up again for rare opportunities like this to give the deep web a glimpse of the kind of life I have. Not that anyone would really care to read, but. Hehe.

A college friend recently did an IG series of #beautifulthingsIlove, a collection of appreciation posts for all the people that made 2019 his best year. I thought that I could dedicate an entry here with that theme as well. This year, my heart is so full. Not because I had everything I ever wanted--if anything, I have my earthly hopes deferred. But it was this 2019 that I get to see God at work--in my life, in the brethren's lives, in the church. 

So here are my 2019 highlights, the people for whom I am forever grateful. (Sorry, I ran out of creative transitions.)

Family. This year's been tough on us, and we sure had some major "restructuring" in the dynamics of our relationship since Calvin died, but I'm sure everyone of us can say with me that it has been a period of growth.

Sammy! My happy pill! Hehe he's grown so muchhhh after this photo, but I really love this one. Don't grow up so fast, Reep! But also, grow fast enough so that we could start conversing and talking endlessly about all the things there is to talk about. Hehe I love you!

My SGC NewLifers #what squad. (GC Name c/o Becky) Insert Glaphre who, at this point, was still back in Bicol. Do we have a complete version of this picture? That, I do not know. But I love this bunch! Of course, I work with them, so I need to love them, right? Just kidding, I love them and I'm truly grateful that I see them every day at work. It adds so much familiarity to a place and environment so new and so unfamiliar. It's also fun to finally work with the people you look up to. Hehehe.

Moms and Titas. This year, we officially embrace the tita-ness of it all. And I'm blessed to be a part of these ladies' lives and to witness the unique work of God in each of their lives. Hoping that this birthday celebration is the start of a tradition among these beautiful souls!

My CEBxMNL people. Hehe est. 2014 (I think?!) I've been blessed to have these people for a longgg time now, and I would be forever grateful for this meaningful friendship. Always, always praying and hoping that this friendship would be carried on for all eternity, too, with every single one of us having Christ as his/her Friend of friends.

CEBxMNL pt. 2

Youngles. (n.) A group of Gen. 2.0 SGC people who drink either tea or coffee together whatever the topic--from memes to camp meetings. I can't imagine, and I can't remember, the life before Youngles happened! I've been backreading recently the chats I've had with these people just to answer one question: how did Youngles start? There was one fatal Yellow Cab yaya (which still hasn't transpired BTW), but ever since I've had this group, it felt like they've always been there; like it has always been Youngles. It would be totally weird and unthinkable to have a time in the future when this group would be no longer a thing. These people have encouraged and refreshed me so many times, many of the instances they weren't even aware that they were doing so. For keeps. ♡

Youngles pt. 2


Seablings! Also, hehe, hello Abba and Momma! If there's one family in church that gets tested and attacked the most, it would most likely be the family of the minister. Strike she shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered, right? But this fam is obviously sustained and upheld by the Great Shepherd. I'm forever grateful for having Abba as my pastor. His wisdom, love, and care not just for his blood family, but for the extended Ashers as well, are undeniable. Dear Maramaras, thanks for bearing with my presence and perpetual gate crashing. :)

Matcha Girls ft. Emman and Abba. Since lagi din naman namin kasama si Emman, pwede na rin 'yan. Mah homiiiieees. I just love, love, love these ladies. It's truly a comfort and encouragement to meet along the Way kindred spirits with whom you get to walk this path towards Celestial City. God is a gracious Father, and He indeed lovingly sends help along the way. How great these people have helped me! How they have helped others! I'm very blessed to have met all of them. For keeps. ♡

Matcha Girls ft. Abba

Matcha Girls ft. Abba pt. 2
Simply Matcha Girls. (Ladies?! Anyway, it's just a term.) Here's to all the MajA and MinA this year and, Lord willing, all the following years with you! (+ maybe MFB, since wala namang MB.)

*drum roll please*

And then there's Hapi. (HAHA hello, bubbly Sadness)
My bosom friend. Classmate in all life lessons. Sunday-school-teacher-turned-SBS-turned-best-friend. This woman  has been used tremendously in my walk--ever since I joined church in 2011, but more so (exponentially so) in the past two years. Our life's lessons brought us closer, and for that I would be forever grateful; for her, yes, but more importantly for our Great Teacher who knows what each of His children needs to be conformed to the image of His Son.

To more quiet meditations over sunrises and sunsets, to more (planned) spontaneous trips, to more tears of joy and  pain and overwhelmed gratefulness. Let's hold fast to our Object of faith and remain steadfast until we cross that River, Haps. ♡

Thank you, 2019. My heart is full. 

"Praise God, from whom all blessings flow." 


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