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Homeward Bound

Joash Maramara Photography (2018)

And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” (Revelation 14:13)

August has, for the second time in a row, proven itself to be a month of grief for me. The last two weeks have subjected my entire church, and more especially the Maramaras, in deep emotional turmoil with regards to Kuya Ryan's falling ill.  Suddenly, our hands were all filled with tasks and things that we could do for this family who has done so much for us.

From entertaining Ethan and Mikki throughout the two very long weeks by playing various board games. (And yes, Dix It is the best.)

To setting up "camp" for everyone, to keep the insects out and to have a semi-adventurous feels despite everything.

To simply just watching the kids. Or, uh, with the kids.

We Youngles had our shifts and turns in caring for the kids, with Arvie, Hapi, and I staying with them the most. It has truly been the longest two weeks we've ever had so far. And last Saturday, Kuya Ryan's body was laid to rest in the ground as his soul comes to rest at the bosom of his Creator.

Throughout those two long weeks I have spent most of my time with the entire family, watching the kids, cleaning up the church or funeral place--basically just helping out in whatever way I can, albeit almost insignificantly. For most people who visited us at the wake, yesterday was the end of the break in daily routines. Today, things are almost back to normal. But for ate Hannah and her kids, this day marks the beginning of a drastically different life. They have, at least temporarily, moved back to Antipolo with Pastor Rene and the whole family. Life would not be the same again.

And although I'm sure the Maramaras are grieving in a level I could not have claimed to be in at this situation, I also cannot say I am not greatly affected. As what I have shared to Kuya Ryan’s students when they paid a visit during the last night of the funeral, the Maramaras have always been like a second family to me. And seeing Ethan and Mikki, little children, losing their father before they could even make a plethora of meaningful, significant memories that would last them a lifetime is just too painful for me. Seeing Ate Hannah losing the love of her life after but a brief decade of holy matrimony—I cannot even begin to imagine how heartbreaking that is.

Let me show you the dela Rosa family. (All the pictures in this article are taken by Kuya Joash Maramara.)

This is Ethan. He's 9, quiet, and thinks very deeply.

This is Mikki (7) and Ate Hannah. This photo was taken when Mikki first found out that Kuya Ryan could lose his life.

Kuya Ryan. I think this was before the second operation, before his brain had internal bleeding. (Until we meet again, Kuya Ryan!)

Before the operation, the doctor granted special permission for Mikki to see her dad. This was their last family picture whilst Kuya Ryan was alive.

Just seeing these pictures once more breaks my heart all over again. A sweet, sweet family here on earth has just been broken. But one thing I am learning during this season is that God often so providentially breaks our hearts while we live in this world, to constantly embed upon our souls that this is not our home.

Kuya Ryan, having died last Monday night, has now crossed the River, riding through the Celestial City King’s chariots of fire. And I can't help but feel envious of him, being taken up by the Lord to heights of perfect glory. Despite the mourning and pain, I can’t help but yearn also for the lot that fell on him. Kuya Ryan has been a professing Christian these four years. And throughout those four years, he has continuously grown in the faith. He has walked the Narrow Path four years! After which, the Lord, the King of Celestial City, has Himself sent chariots of fire to take Kuya Ryan to His side. I have entered the Wicket Gate seven years ago, and by God's sustaining grace have been treading the Narrow Path since. And though definitely this journey is well-spent, and so full of priceless lessons that contributed to my growth--still, I look forward to the day when I would behold my God face to face. Without a veil. And kuya Ryan is exactly where I've always wanted to be.

He is Home. And may we all press on like him, Homeward bound.


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